Current articles from the Healing our World series by Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D.

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Healing our World

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Some Articles of Current Interest

deadly 2-cycle engines . . .
Two Strokes, You're Out!

This Week's Healing Our World Article
What should our priorities be?
Time for some Shelf Clearing?

Poison in the sky . . .
They just don't seem to get it
Btk spraying over Seattle

The Radioactive Dinner Table -
An Industry Gone Mad

Could isolation from the web of life create violent tendancies in youth?
Disconnection - At A High Price
Toxic Vacations
Cruise Ship Pollution

Watch out for tofu?
Vegetarians Beware - Big Business is Headed Your Way

Feeling overwhelmed about the state of the world?
So Now What Do We Do?

More Radioactive Metals in our Lives
With This Ring I Thee . . . Radiate?

Milk does not do a body good:
Got Milk? I Hope Not!

Are we being medicated with toxic biproducts of the nuclear age?
Poison in the Water?

Promoting a new way to live or a new way to shop?
Earth Day 1999

Environmental racism is here to stay:
What Color is Suffering?

Activists are Healing Our World
You Are Not Alone
Some of the foods we are eating are shocking:
What Are We Eating?
The Butchering of Animals for Furs
An issue that won't go away:
Still Killing After All These Years
Those beepers and cellular phones may come at a high price . . .
Fouling Our Nest - Electromagnetically
Bioengineered crops may be causing an environmental disaster
It's What We Don't See That Will Hurt Us
Toxic Waste on other worlds?
Polluting the Final Frontier
Your dental fillings could be killing you:
Keep Your Mouth Shut - TIght!
An environmental crisis waiting to happen
Under our Feet Lies Danger

2-cycle engines are polluting our world:
Two Strokes, You're Out!

Deaths from environmental factors top the list.
It's Official - Greed Is Killing Us
Are environmental laws really protecting us?
What is the True Cost of Living?
How do you know which environmental claims to believe?
Green Advertising - To Heal or Deceive?
How much is coal worth?
The Genocide of the Navajo
Lies, deceptions and ethnic cleansing:
How The West Was Lost
We must celebrate the Earth's cycles to heal.
The Harvest is Upon Us

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Copyright (c) 2000, Jackie A. Giuliano Ph.D.