by Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D. Speak out the paralyzing secret
From the cover of the book by Robert Cohen In a powerful blow to chemical giant Monsanto, Canada rejected the use of the genetically engineered bovine growth hormone (BGH) this week. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the use of BGH in 1993, ignoring protests that the drug harmed animals and posed a significant risk to milk consumers. Canada, however, has heeded the significant scientific data that shows animals using BGH suffer an 18% increase in the risk of infertility, a 50% increase in the risk of lameness and, most importantly, a 25% higher risk of developing mastitis, a painful infection of the udder. Cows given the drug have a 25% greater chance of being killed by their owners because they become too weak and debilitated.
The weakened animals are usually treated with antibiotics, which studies have shown show up in the milk. As people consume more and more meat and dairy products tainted with powerful antibiotics and are having antibiotics over prescribed by doctors, they build up a resistance to these drugs. Many scientists feel that we have already reached a time when many antibiotics are useless against infections and soon, even the strongest ones will have no effect.
BGH is used by 13,000 dairy producers in the U.S. and countless more in Mexico and Brazil where it has been in use for over a decade. In 1998, Monsanto sold over 100 million doses of the drug at a cost of $5.80 per dose - that is over a half a billion dollars. This is a huge business with an audience that is very concerned with rising competition and low profits - the world's dairy farmers. This is a classic example of a drug that makes no sense whatsoever
in today's world. America's dairy industry has been overproducing
more milk than they could sell for years. The U.S. government has
been subsidizing dairy farmers for a long time, buying up surpluses
in order to keep the prices artificially high. These subsidies cast
a terrible shame on the U.S. as women, men and children die every
day from hunger while "excess" milk is dumped down the drain.
Monsanto, a company that has given the world Agent Orange (2,4,5-T), PCB's and scores of pesticides that many studies show are carcinogenic, has been accused of considerable behind the scenes maneuvering to get its products approved amid concerns about their safety. Rachel's Environment and Health Weekly reported, in 1994, that The FDA official responsible for the agency's labeling policy, Michael R. Taylor, is a former partner of King & Spaulding, the Washington, D.C. law firm that brought lawsuits against farmers on behalf of Monsanto. The farmers had tried to label their milk "hormone free". [see Rachel's Environment and Health Weekly Issue #381] In February 1997, Monsanto sent a letter to a FOX TV station in Tampa Florida, threatening "dire consequences" if the station aired a documentary they had produced that would reveal the dangers of BGH and the deceitful activities of Monsanto. The station cancelled the showing. The documentary would have revealed:
BGH results in the production of another hormone (IGF-1) which is suspected of causing cancer. Harvard studied 15,000 white men in 1997 and found that those with elevated levels of IGF-1 in their systems were 4 times more likely to get prostate cancer. Some claim that this fact would have been revealed in the 1993 study that the FDA suppressed. BGH is a classic example of corporate greed and a tainted FDA. The history of the FDA, as reported at its own web site, is complex, yet it is suggests clues as to why the agency seems to have trouble being effective today. It was first formed in 1927 as the Food, Drug, and Insecticide Administration. The U.S. had finally taken steps to remove some of the toxic substances that were present in many products and foods. The agency didn't really get serious until 1937 when 107 people, mostly children were killed after ingesting an elixir that contained a poisonous solvent. The 1938 Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act began regulating substances, but the responsibility for ensuring public safety was given to the manufacturer of the product. That legacy lives on. Bear in mind that until 1940, the FDA was part of the Department of Agriculture, whose job it was to promote agriculture practices and to promote substances like chemical food additives and pesticides. But a deeper problem is revealed by these events, a problem that goes beyond the secret deals with scientists and government agencies. That problem is the hopelessness that you and I - the consumers of these products - often feel. We are actually the ones who have the power to stop this, yet it is hard to take seriously the constant onslaught of negative information about our tainted air, water, food, and earth. It is easy to believe that we are being taken care of by our leaders. Sadly, this is not (and may never have been) true. We must constantly question any additive or genetically engineered product, especially foods. We can assume that adequate studies will not be done. This is actually an easy task. All you have to do is consume foods with as few additives as possible. Eat as little meat and dairy products as you can (if you have no other health problems, try eliminating them all for a month and see how you feel). Make a habit out of reading labels and simply choose the product with the fewest ingredients and no artificial anything. You may pay a few pennies more, but it is a small price to pay for repairing the Earth and your body. And the next time the TV commercial says "Got Milk," answer proudly "no, not me." RESOURCES 1. Read about the documentary that Monsanto pressured the Florida television station to cancel at Rachel's Health Weekly. 2. Visit the website maintained by the reporters whose story was cancelled by FOX. 3. Read the Canadian government's news release announcing the rejection of BGH. 4. Accusations have been made that six scientists in Canada were pressured to approve the drug in spite of their fears. One scientist told a Canadian Senate committee that Monsanto had offered scientists a bribe of research grants if they approved the drug. Monsanto denies these allegations. Read a secret Canadian government report that was leaked by scientists who said they were pressured by Monsanto. 5. Visit a great list that tells what you can do to help with this issue. 6. The animal protein in milk and other dairy and meat products has been shown to cause osteoporosis and cancer. Learn about these issues from EarthSave. 7. Learn more about the problems with milk at the Not Milk website. 8. Learn about four NEW food groups. 9. If you must consume milk, search out brands such as "Horizon" and organic milk by Alta Dena Dairy. Both claim to be hormone-free. You can find these brands at many major supermarkets. 10. Learn of the work of Dr. John McDougall who can easily convince you that eating meat and dairy products is very hazardous to your health. 11. Join the Humane Farming Association. 12. Find out who your Congressional representatives are and e-mail them, urging them to investigate Monsanto and to ban BGH. You can locate them by zip code or by state or at the Capitol Comment website. 13. Learn about the issues. Seek out books on the subject. A good source for used (and new) books is Powell's Bookstore in Portland, Oregon where you will find a wonderful alternative to the massive chain bookstores taking over the market. Their entire used and new collection can be ordered online.
[Jackie Giuliano, Ph. D., can be found in Venice, California, happy that he chose a vegan lifestyle 5 years ago. He is a Professor of Environmental Studies for Antioch University, Los Angeles, and the University of Phoenix Southern California Campuses. Please send your thoughts, comments, and visions to him at and visit his web site at]
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