Dr. Jackie has written extensively about environmental issues. His Healing Our World BLOG contains many of those writings.

He wrote over 300 commentaries for the Environment News Service that can be found around the web. He also has an archive of many of the commentaries from 1997 to 2002.

Dr. Jackie is also the Green Business reporter for Examiner.com, exploring environmental issues that affect businesses.

Dr. Jackie has also developed a number of discovery-based teacher training programs in Deep Ecology, Critical Thinking, Ecopsychology, and Multiple Intelligence Theory.


Courses Designed and Taught

Graduate Education
·         Multiple Intelligence Theory and Practice (B)
·         Interpersonal Communication (B)
·         Instructional Technology & Distance Education (B)
·         Foundations of Intellectual Development
·         Survey Techniques (B)
·         Quantative Research Techniques (B)
·         Theories of Human Learning (B)

Science and Society
·         The Earth’s Moon in Science, Culture, and Literature
·         Astronomy of the Solar System: the Technology, Philosophy, and Ethics of

Space Exploration
·         The History of Science
·         The Universe Story
·         Mission to Planet Earth
·         Oceanography (O)
·         Meteorology  (O)

Environmental Studies / Psychology / Sociology
·         Environmental Science: The Human Impact
·         Oases in the Urban Desert - The Importance of Natual Areas
·         Ecopsychology: The Environment and Mental Health
·         Environmental Ethics
·         Environmental Action and Social Responsibility
·         The Environment and Human Health
·         Island Ecology
·         The Great Northridge Earthquake of 1994
·         Environmental Science: An Experience in the Field
·         Community Action and Social Responsibility
·         Environmental Values and Resources
·         Despair and Empowerment in the Nuclear Age

Feminist Theory
·         Gender and Science:
·         Ecological Feminism

Educational Strategies and Learning Theory
·        Critical Thinking and Decision Making
·        Science Education and Multiple Intelligence Theory
·        Kinesthetic Activities for Science Teachers
·        Advanced Study and Learning Methods


Seeing the Earth from space

Seeing the Earth from space may be the most important thing anyone can do to demonstrate the importance of a connection to the natural world. Please watch this video about an astronaut's perspective.



“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth
find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.
There is something infinitely healing in the
repeated refrains of nature— the assurance

that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter."
-- Rachel Carson

“Jackie,s environmental science courses helped shape my values and beliefs today about alternative ways of thinking, and learning about the importance of our connection to the environment and our responsibility to honor this connection.”

Jennifer Voorlas M.S.G C.M.C (April 22, 2012)
