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Healing our World

May 17th, 1998

By Jackie Giuliano

I believe that we are summoned now to awaken from a spell. The spell we must shake off is a case of mistaken identity, a millennia-long amnesia as to who we really are. We have imagined that we are separate and competitive beings, limited to the gasp of our conscious egos, hence essentially fragile, endlessly needy. This delusion has brought us some high adventures, but also much suffering, and it will destroy us and our world if we don’t wake up in time. -- Joanna Macy

Since the first atomic bomb exploded above Hiroshima, a shame all Americans must acknowledge for all time, our perception of the universe has forever changed. No longer is it a certainty, as it was for so many thousands of years, that our children and their children would always walk the same Earth and breathe the same air.

No, since that time, we have been able to envision a future where our children inherit a nightmare. What has this awareness done to our psyches? How has this awareness forever changed our notions of the concepts of safety, security, and peace? Joanna Macy calls this nuclear awareness the pivotal psychological reality of our time.

And we all should be afraid.

No Nukes

No Nukes from the Henry L. Stimson web site at http://www.stimson.org/

Some of you may even have thought that the nuclear threat was over since the so-called ending of the Cold War. The U.S continues to test nuclear weapons. They call them "sub-critical tests" because they do not involve a nuclear chain reaction and to get around the current moratorium on testing. The military wants to build a new generation of smaller, more powerful nuclear bombs.

Many countries have nuclear weapons. Scotland has 266 Trident submarine warheads - many purchased from the U.S. - each one a powerful nuclear weapon. It is estimated that Britain builds a new nuclear bomb every eight days!

Robert L. Manning of the Abolition 2000 project, says that the U.S. and Russia together have more than 5,000 nuclear weapons on hair-trigger alert, ready to aim & fire at each other in a matter of seconds. There are 15,000 more on operational alert. Worldwide, there are over 36,000 nuclear weapons.

India’s nuclear test last week should have come as no surprise. The fact that it did surprise so many shows the false sense of security that has befallen us. That complacency must end and be replaced with action - action towards an abolition of all nuclear weapons and virtually all uses of nuclear power.

These issues may seem so far out of our control and in the hands of those who have little regard for anything you might have to say. It is natural to feel helpless and hopeless. There are some things you can do, however, to restore your balance and to harness the energy you need to defend your world and your health from those to whom greed is the driving force of their lives.

  • An important step in the process is to admit just how scared and confused we really are. And there is much to be frightened about as our planet’s life-support systems are systematically being destroyed by toxic wastes, acid rain, destruction of forests and poisoning by pesticides. The threat of nuclear war is as real as ever.

  • We experience so much from these realizations, whether they be conscious or unconscious. We experience fear of the suffering in store for us and loved ones, anger that we live with such a threat and meaningless enterprise, guilt since as members of this society we feel implicated, and sorrow from the contemplation of so vast a loss. But these are not fears of our own individual demise. Their source lies in concern for apprehensions of collective suffering, of what happens to other humans and fellow species, to the heritage we share, to the unborn generations to come, and to our green mother Earth herself, wheeling alone in space. Intuitively, we all realize that we are integral components of our world, like cells in a larger body. When part of that body is traumatized, we feel the trauma as well, in the suffering of other beings, in the pillage of our planet, and the violation of future generations. Rejoice in these feelings. They are signs that you are alive.

  • Until we find ways of acknowledging and integrating that level of anguished awareness, we repress it; and with that repression we are drained of the energy we need for action and clear thinking.

  • The effects of this repression on our daily lives is profound. Each act of denial, conscious or unconscious, is an abdication of our powers to respond. But it is only when we can honestly contemplate this horror that we can begin to master it. Until we have done so, the pain and fear have us in their grip. There is a deep, inner strength that comes from identifying our personal fears, calling them our own, and realizing that they are the same fears shared by others.

We all need each other in this time of reawakened awareness. As horrific an event as it was, maybe we can thank India for the wake up call. Many of us had sunk into complacency, thinking it was finally safe to live our lives. Maybe it can be safe for us all, if we feel and cry and act together.


1. Learn more about the Abolition 2000 effort at http://www.abolition2000.org/index.html a clear statement of the problem can be found at http://www.abolition2000.org/problem.html where you can find references to much of the material presented in this article. Join in their efforts. 2. Find your Congressperson and e-mail them. If you know your Zip code, you can find them at http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/ziptoit.html and tell them your feelings about the hypocrisy of the U.S. nuclear program. 3. Envirolink hosts the High Energy Weapons Archive at http://www.envirolink.org/issues/nuketesting/hew/ which has considerable information on these issues. 4. A good nuclear fact sheet can be found at http://www.abolition2000.org/nukefacts.html#present where you can learn quickly the frightening state of affairs. 5. For comprehensive information about all facets of the India test, visit http://www.clw.org/pub/clw/coalition/ctindia.htm 6. The Nuclear Control Institute can help you with information and actions at http://www.nci.org/nci/index.htm 7. Learn about Hiroshima and Nagasaki at http://pascal.math.yorku.ca/sfp/sfp.ex.html and see the source for global shame. Visit the Hiroshima City peace site at http://www.city.hiroshima.jp/ 8. Read about those people who have been directly affected by our nuclear weapons program at http://www.doh.wa.gov/hanford/publications/coping/coping.html where people who have lived and suffered downwind from the Hanford nuclear facility tell their stories. 9. Joanna Macy’s books are a valuable resource. They include "Despair and Personal Power in the Nuclear Age" and "World and Lover, World as Self." 10. Visit an interview with Joanna Macy at http://www.context.org/ICLIB/IC28/Macy.htm and http://www.context.org/ICLIB/IC22/Macy.htm 11. Learn about the issue. Seek out books on the subject. A good source for used (and new) books is Powell’s Bookstore in Portland, Oregon at http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/associate?assoc_id=212 where you will find a wonderful alternative to the massive chain bookstores taking over the market. 12. Visit the owlcam at http://members.aol.com/owlbox/nest98.htm to see a family of owls living and raising their young. Remind yourself of the miraculous cycles of life. Updated daily. 13. The web site you are in, Envirolink, is a powerful resource. Visit it often at http://envirolink.lycos.co and look here first for most of what you need to know about our world. 14. A large list of nuclear opposition web sites can be found at http://www.prop1.org/prop1/antinuke.htm which is the page of a Berkeley student who has done a very thorough job on the issue. 15. Changelinks is a publication that provides a calendar of activist events in the Southern California. Visit them at http://www.labridge.com/change-links/ and find a similar calendar for your home town. 16. For an expanded version of this article, visit the author’s web site at http://www.jps.net/jackieg {Jackie Giuliano, can be found feeling his fears in Venice, California, imagining a mushroom cloud on the horizon. He is a Professor of Environmental Studies for Antioch University, Los Angeles, and the University of Phoenix Southern California Campuses. He is also the Educational Outreach Manager for the Outer Planets/Solar Probe Project, a NASA program at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory to send space probes to Jupiter’s moon Europa, the planet Pluto, and the Sun. Please send your thoughts, comments, and visions to him at jackie@deepteaching.com}

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Copyright (c) 1998, Jackie A. Giuliano Ph.D.
