Explorations of Spiritual Growth
“All of
my Spiritual
work is driven by my intention to provide my fellows in this
incarnation with a 'boost' for their own path of Spiritual Growth. My
goal is to help all of us feel free to reawaken to full
awareness of the Wholeness that is
inherently ours.”
has experienced a wide
variety of
mystical or psychic abilities
throughout her life, but she didn't feel comfortable to share
in a world which seemed to fear or laugh at such things.
But in 1974 her mentor, Ronald
P. Beesley, internationally known healer and teacher of
healing, urged Iona to begin her work as a
healer and teacher, to continually expand her gifts and strive to share
them with others. Iona has been doing various kinds of
personal and planetary healing activities for decades,
including the critically acclaimed, hand painted
soul-reminders which she calls the Personal
How often have you wished you had been born with a "user's manual" to help you make decisions in your life? Iona Sharron’s custom hand painted Personal Mandala-Shield Paintings are visually symbolic representations of the spiritual goals you yourself have set for this life. After consulting with you, reflecting, and meditating, Iona paints a custom, personalized, beautiful mandala that becomes your energetic, daily reminder to encourage you to accomplish the goals you set yourself for this incarnation, bringing healing and balancing. Iona has painted over 1,000 Mandala Shield paintings for people in 11 countries. <MORE>