Experiencing The Nature Kingdom
Participants learn to communicate with spirits of the Nature Kingdom, while expanding their awareness of, and commitment to, the world's natural order, oneness, and their place within it. These workshops include several hours of class work and experiential assimilation in a nature setting, usually on a Saturday or Sunday during warm weather.
Mandala Creation
In this workshop, participants will learn to access the language of their higher being, touching in with an energetic flow, often involving personal symbols and color. They will produce a personal artistic tool to aid them in their growth and transformation. It will be suitable for framing if desired. This class initiates a personal interaction with the visual levels of one’s spiritual self. As the saying goes, a picture really is worth a thousand words. Artistic ability is NOT NECESSARY. Students bring colored pens, pencils, crayons, etc. Iona supplies the paper and the know-how.
Dream Analysis
Students learn a simple method of dream analysis to explore their own deeper awareness and understanding of their life's challenges and gifts. Students should bring one or more dreams, preferably written down immediately after waking. This method helps one interpret the symbolic "short-hand" of their own subconscious mind. It becomes a tool which each individual can use on their own for the rest of their lives.