ct strategies



As you remodel your lesson plans, you need clearly focused strategies that will guide you in the development of new ways to present the material you need to cover.

Below are 35 strategies that will assist you in remodeling your lessons.

35 Strategies for Critical Thinking
Adapted from "Critical Thinking Handbook: A Guide for Redesigning Instruction," Paul, et. al., Center for Critical Thinking and Moral Critique, 1989.

A. Affective Strategies

S1 thinking independently
S2 developing insight into egocentricity or sociocentricity
S3 exercising fairmindedness
S4 exploring thoughts underlying feelings and feelings underlying thoughts
S5 developing intellectual humility and suspending judgment
S6 developing intellectual courage
S7 developing Intellectual good faith or integrity
S8 developing intellectual perseverance
S9 developing confidence in reason

B. Cognitive Strategies Macro-Abilities

S10 refining generalizations and avoiding oversimplifications
S11 comparing analogous situations: transferring insights to new contexts
S12 developing one's perspective: creating or exploring beliefs, arguments, or theories
S13 clarifying issues, conclusions, or beliefs
S14 clarifying and analyzing the meanings of words or phrases
S15 developing criteria for evaluation: clarifying values and standards
S16 evaluating the credibility of sources of information
S17 questioning deeply: raising and pursuing root or significant questions
S15 analyzing or evaluating arguments, interpretations, beliefs, or theories
S19 generating or assessing solutions
S20 analyzing or evaluating actions or policies
S21 reading critically: clarifying or critiquing texts
S22 listening critically: the art of silent dialogue
S23 making interdisciplinary connections
S24 practicing Socratic discussion: clarifying and questioning beliefs, theories, or perspectives
S25 reasoning dialogically: comparing perspectives, Interpretations, or theories
S26 reasoning dialectically: evaluating perspectives, interpretations, or theories

C. Cognitive Strategies - Micro-Skills

S27 comparing and contrasting ideals with actual practice
S28 thinking precisely about thinking: using critical vocabulary
S29 noting significant similarities and differences
S30 examining or evaluating assumptions
S31 distinguishing relevant from irrelevant facts
S32 making plausible inferences, predictions, or interpretations
S33 evaluating evidence and alleged facts
S34 recognizing contradictions
S35 exploring implications and consequences

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Copyright (c) 2015 Jackie A. Giuliano Ph.D.
