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*The 8 ideals above are from
Attachment Parenting International.

Attachment Parenting - love, compassion, respect

Attachment Parenting is a form of parenting that honors the child, recognizing him or her as a being deserving resepect. There are plenty of people in our world whose needs were not met by their parents. The result is people, like most of us, who have wounds and longings and hurts from those unmet neets. Attachment parenting practices meet the needs of our children in a loving, caring way, resulting in secure, happy children who aren't afraid to love.

There is no one way to parent in this way and this group is a safe place for all to explore how to best meet our children's needs at all stages of their development. We will make use of the many fine works and studies that have been done on attachment parenting. No one will be judged or criticized. We are all on a journey of exploration.

This group is not a part of any national or local organization. It is a group of parents concerned about the future of their children and interested in being very mindful about meeting their children's needs in a meaningful way. Play groups will be created around town with the hope of building communities of families that can be a part of each others lives. As the group grows, we may consider having in person meetings. Members from all over the world are welcome to participate.

Come join us and explore a form of parenting that creates loving, compassionate, intelligent children who care about each other and the world.

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