1. Why should I
learn to speed read?
have more fun reading, to learn how to remember what you read, to have
control over the information that may be overloading your life, to get
ahead in school, or to become a super performer at work.
Does Speed Reading really work?
Millions of people have successfully become speed readers since the
1950's. There are no tricks - only proven techniques to transform the
way you read into a process that matches the way your brain really
wants to read.
Is this about skipping words and skimming?
No. You see every word. We are giving you techniques that allow the
true power of your brain to surface.
How long does it take to learn?
the 1-day workshop, you will have a pretty good grasp of the techniques
and you will at least triple your reading speed or more. Like with
anything new, you need to practice and we recommend 21 days of
practice, 10-minutes a day. At the end of that time, you will feel very
comfortable with the process and it gets better every day.
5. Is a 1-day workshop enough to become a speed reader?
day will be enough to learn the process. But you need to
practice, ideally 10 to 15 minutes a day for the next 21 days to start
to feel comfortable with the process. But you don't need to be totally
comfortable to start using it and benefiting from it right away.
Can anyone learn how to speed read?
Anyone. It doesn't matter if you did well in school or poorly or if you
consider yourself a good reader or a poor one. Everyone can benefit
from these skills.
I am dyslexic and and have always had trouble reading. Can this help?
These techniques take advantage of your brain's ability to know the
meaning of what you read even if the words are out of order (or even
spelled wrong), so your dyslexia won't get in the way.
How could I possibly enjoy reading this way?
you enjoy reading now? Most folks get drowsy while they read, lose
their place, forget what they read 5 minutes after they read it, and
find reading tedious. Speed reading will transform your relationship
with reading and make learning fun, efficient, and very satisfying.
Will I remember more reading this way?
Your well-meaning elementary school teachers taught you that if you
want to remember more, you slow down while you read. This is actually
the opposite of the way your brain works. You actually remember
more when you read fast.
10. Why isn't
everyone taught this in school?
question. They should. There is considerable resistance to changing
"approved" curriculum in today's schools. But more than that,
entire way our schools teach would have to change if students were
taught to speed read. What if a 4th grader could finish their textbook
in the first few days of the year? What if a high school student could
finish Romeo and Juliet in one night? Lots would have to
Will this help me at work?
bet! Imagine reading and knowing your entire textbook in the first few
days of the term? Imagine being able to read hundreds of Internet
listings while doing research. Imagine having an incredible note-taking
technique that lets you outline an entire 4-hour lecture or an entire
book on one page? At work, most have trouble keeping up. What if you
could read everything under discussion for a meeting in 20 minutes?
These techniques can turn you into a superstar.
I never did well in school? Can this help me?
Yes! It doesn't matter at all how well you did in school. Everyone
starts from the same place in learning Speed Reading.
I already read very fast? Why should I take this?
you are a naturally fast reader who remembers everything they read, who
doesn't say words aloud in your head, who can read and remember a 100
page book in an hour, then you may not need our program. Otherwise,
we'd love to see you! Also, people who are already super achievers know
that they can never learn or explore too much.
14. I'd like to do
this for my business, but I really can't afford the time.
at it this way: If a person making $50,000 a year wastes one hour a day
trying to find information for a report or reading slowly trying to
keep up, that amounts to a $6,250 per year (excluding benefits
and overhead) loss to the company. What if you read and
three times what you used to read? You can see how the numbers work
out! See
more of this analysis.